Youtube - आचार्यश्री विद्यासागरजी के प्रवचन देखिए Youtube पर आचार्यश्री के वॉलपेपर Android पर दिगंबर जैन टेम्पल/धर्मशाला Android पर Apple Store - शाकाहारी रेस्टोरेंट आईफोन/आईपैड पर Apple Store - जैन टेम्पल आईफोन/आईपैड पर Apple Store - आचार्यश्री विद्यासागरजी के वॉलपेपर फ्री डाउनलोड करें देश और विदेश के शाकाहारी जैन रेस्तराँ एवं होटल की जानकारी के लिए विजिट करें

जनवरी माह

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  • Jai Jinendra,
    Thanks for making this calender and appreciate your efforts.
    Unfortunately more than 50% of the Jain do not understand Hindi. Could you please make same calendar in English, so that many Jains can follow, even it will be helpful for Jains living out side India, South India.
    It also helps other religion people across the world to know about Jain festivals and important days.

    Also may I request you to make website in English, as all the people who can use internet will know English and will not know Hindi.
    We Jains has to think Globally and not restrict our self for one language or limited geographical area.

    Thanks for understanding.
    Jai Jinendra

प्रवचन वीडियो


march, 2025

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