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Agra (Jain Temple in Agra)

श्री पारसनाथ दिगम्बर जैन मन्दिर
तारगली मोती कटरा, आगरा
श्री महावीर दिगम्बर जैन मन्दिर
मोती कटरा, आगरा
3 श्री शोरीपुर-बटेशवर दिगम्बर जैन सिद्ध क्षेत्र
बटेशवर, आगरा -283104
उत्तर प्रदेश
फ़ोन  05614-234717
4 श्री दिगम्बर जैन मंदिर
एत्मादपुर, आगरा -283202
उत्तर प्रदेश
फ़ोन  0562-2390207
5 श्री दिगम्बर जैन अतिशय क्षेत्र
त्रिमूर्ति मंदिर, एत्मादपुर, आगरा- 283202
उत्तर प्रदेश
6 श्री दिगम्बर जैन मंदिर
रत्नत्रय मंदिर ,नसिया जी
आगरा -283104
उत्तर प्रदेश
फ़ोन  05612-243142


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  • Jai jinendra
    I want to give you the address of one more jain temple at agra (uttar pradesh).the temple is “shantinath digambar jainmandir,teachers colony,jaipur house,agra.

    I request to you to add the address of this temple.

  • Shree Digambar Jain Mandir
    Village – Saray Jairam
    Post -Barhan
    Distt- Agra
    State- Uttar Pradesh

  • Jai Jinendra…

    Hi this is Nitin Kumar jain..
    I am from Saray Jiaram (Village)..
    In Our Village Three is too much large temple . before 8 or 9 month.. Our village’s jain Smaj had organized “panch kalyan” mahotsav for newly build “Peak of temple”…In our temple there are so many ideal of 24 Lords of jains.
    i m praying to add this address of my temple .. so any visitor who wants to come in our village can find its easily…
    My village is 11 K.m far from Etmadpur (Agra). That u mentioned is ur Address list of Temples..

    Shree Digambar Jain Mandir
    Village – Saray Jairam
    Post -Barhan
    Distt- Agra
    State- Uttar Pradesh

    There are also Two jain Mandir.. in Barhan …
    Plz add first that i have given you detail.. after getting full detail of these two jain mandir.. i would like to give u…
    so plz do this first…
    Sadar jai Jinendra…..

प्रवचन वीडियो


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